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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

My amazing students!

Here is samples of what my students in class did on Saturday! I was so impressed with all of them.
Check out what one collage artist had to say about my class!

Dear Vicky,
    Thanks so much for the wonderful class on Saturday. I have never been so frustrated and so excited in a 2 hour period in my life. It was very hard work for me to create a collage in such a short period of time yet so fun to learn the skill of soldering that I have been telling all of my friends about it. I am still processing all that I learned. Initially I felt mad and stressed as you pushed me outside of my comfort zone, but now that it is all said and done, I am appreciate that you were not afraid to do so. You are a wonderfully gifted, demanding teacher/taskmaster and I loved/hated every minute of the process. I am sure you understand what I mean. See you at the bottle class in June, and thanks SO very much for being willing to share your talents!
    Sincerely (One of Your Overly Anal-Retentive Students),

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